Yes, yes, you've heard it a million times over: the economy is sucking, retail sales are hurting, yadda yadda yadda...but let me fill you in on a little secret: I can help.
As much as I hate to admit it, I know a thing or two about stores. Some might even call me a "compulsive shopper," but I prefer to call it "seasoned retail pro." Too many of my days are spent wandering the aisles of various stores--not looking for anything in particular, just aimlessly roaming to the point where my eyes glaze over, I completely zone out, and turn into a merchandise-hungry retail zombie that feeds off of good deals on items I don't really need rather than brains.
Some might say this sort of behavior should involve an intervention, but the contrary is true. There's a handful of zombie movies where a zombie is captured and put into isolation for further observation; similarly, you should learn from the vast knowledge I have gained on my countless shopping excursions and apply it to benefiting this economy in shambles.
The good news is, unlike zombies, you won't have to chain me up and poke me with sticks in order to retrieve this valuable information. I will share it with you freely so that we may go forth and save humanity together! Yay!
Business-owners and people of the like, I have comprised for you a list of the following that you should avoid at all costs in attempts to "save" your business: